Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Mythology and literature Essay

The definition of fabricationology is deprived from the enounce myth. The word itself comes from the Greek word mythos, which means fable, legend or sagas. The word myth is a apologue that seeks to rationalize the universe and the mankind roughly us, passed down orally from multiplication to gen eontion explaining religious origin, natural phenomena or supernatural event. romanceology is a parade of myths that concerns with cosmogony and cosmology, shargond by a particular nightclub at somewhat particular time in human history. literary productions is a body of written works of language, period or culture. Literature natural covering tooth be divided into fiction (e.g. fairty tale, gothic, saga etc) and non-fiction (e.g. essays, journal, scientific discipline fiction etc).There ar legion(predicate) distinctive tempers of mythology and they seek to describe what a particular individual or society believe during that period of time. figments serves as an charter fo r their institutions, usage and doctrines. The typical mythology is the explanation of the universe and its ethology. Normally, the setting is set in a previous proto-world (simliar to the current world but also disaccordent) and they often ramble around non-human or ext wayinary people such as god, goddess, supernatural beings (e.g. zeus, ecstasy and eve, prometheus etc). These story explains why things be and how they became to be. It rationalised our way of thinking, reconcile us to pragmatism and establishes our pattern of liveness. Apart from the explanation of the creation of the universe, mythologies seek to explain common natural phenomena.Certain myths explains way the sun exist and why in that location is night and day. Some explains the existance of seasons Spring,Winter,Summer and Autumn while others shows of mother nature providing us with food and shelter. These myth suggest a way of understanding nature and organizing thoughts. For example, structualism reco gnizes different contrasting scene (light and dark, good/evil) as centres to myths which charters for social arrange or value within a society (functionalism). Myth drop been created by human beings for many reasons over thousands of years. They are an intellectual merchandise of humanity and a rich resource for the ideas and belief of past generations. Their extroadinary and marvellous aspect combined with the constant thought that there might be something out their is what keeps mythology functioning and is what keeps books moving.There are also many differences between lit and mythology. For instance, they were used for different purposes and existed in different times. Myth several purposes, including to socially/politically control society (e.g. to spread a myth about something to control people, to scare people when facts were not available). Literature on the other hand, is more about persuading and informing people. There are also other benefits to mythology that can not be achieved in literature, such as there is no boundary to the world, there is no such thing as false and there is low risk of anyone challenging your system. The sets of beliefs also differ and the way they view the world differs. For example, literatures auditory sense are educated modern people while mythologys one is from the elder generation where there was not much information about the world and how it works. This would mean that the two different texts obtain different intended audience which would inevitably show why they differ so much. Both are products of humans but during different time frame.The arrival of the modern era would inevitably mean the death of mythology. The transformation from one to another was the belief that myth was useless, false and outmoded and that it did not work. Science (regarded as a fictional literature) was the objective explanation of how the world around us work while the subjective myth was about credit and believing something unf ounded. scientific rational thought was based on empricial cognition, a priori (not falsifiable) and our way of thinking is based on facts. Myth is last a different knowledge, an ideology, a set of belief.Systems of myths have bequeathd a cosmological and historical framework for societies that have lacked the more sophisticated knowledge provided by modern science. Myth is related to science, however it only provide basis for a theory, not knowledge. For example the myth of how the origin was created would have lacked modern day rational scientific belief because they would prefer a more true, superior and more authority theory, which is the big cognise theory. Our modern rational paradigm thought is based on observation. Scientific rational thinking is based on logic to solve or explain how the world works and as it becomes a part of our terrestrial thinking, mythology will be inevitable cast aside.Carl Jung invented modern scientific theory and for him, the world of dream, an d myth represented the most fascinating and promising road to deeper understanding. The significance of literature in mythology as said We need the stories of myth to make sense of the confusion of our society and our own psyches. Myth voices the truths of our unconscious selves, and the gods, goddesses, and heroes of myth embody aspects of creativity, cleverness, grief, joy, aggression, and ecstasy. Carl Jung believes that even the most sophisticated and important literature requires some mythological aspect. (E.g. the Lord of the Ring depends on mythical symptomatic to drives the ideas horror movies have a message and some urban myth taps into childs fear of a bogyman under the bottom bestow)Northrop Frye criticises literature and states the importance of cultural myth underlying literature (E.g. Sea, land and sky, control, creation, decay, regeneration, our fear). Mythology evokes our sub-conscious mind (e.g. dream) which is employed by reference to mythology in literature. Fry e states that mythology provided themes for some of the worlds greatest drama, and similar themes can be traced back to the Renaissance literature, through to Shakespeare (E.g. Hamlet, Midsummer Nights Dream) and finally to modern poetry and gum olibanum mythology plays a significance role with literature. One could even say that literature is based on mythology.Karen Armstrong book A Short History of Myth is about how literature and mythology were shaped by the problems of the society people lived in. Armstrong states that the creation of Mythology from an early period Human beings fall easily into despair, and from the very beginning we invented stories that enabled us to place our lives in a larger setting, that revealed an underlying pattern, and gave us a sense that, against all the depressing and chaotic evidence to the contrary, life had meaning and value.With the coming of the great revolutions in human experience science was used to explain facts as opposed the theory of myth, which became useless, false and outmoded. Literature, which could explain things that was never thought possible, was regarded as the next step from mythology (from an uneducated society to a civilized society).The relationship between literature and mythology is one of similarities as well as differences. They are both important creation by human beings and will continue to play an important role in the intellectual world. Literature will always include some aspect of myth which will continue to shape our modern world equal it did in the past.

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