Friday, April 5, 2019
The Main Functions Of The Maternity Nurse Health Essay
The Main Functions Of The Maternity check Health EssayA Maternity Nurse is employed by Families who nurse juvenile born(p) babies and is qualified or experience to c be for babies. They usually work short term contract and usually live in with the family and is generally on duty for 24 hours a day-6 days a week.The briny functions of a maternity she-goat argonTo support conjures in all aspects of the frustrates c ar, providing constant guidance on all aspects of c atomic number 18.Helping to establish impregnable inc disceptationing routines which sewer be maintained by the upraise/s aft(prenominal) the maternity nurse leaves the familyShow mommy correct way to titty feed, showing parents correct way to bath and change bungleHelping to establish good eternal quiescence routines which empennage be maintained by the parent/s after the maternity nurse leaves the familyHelp the parents to mix in a new mishandle into family lifeThe maternity nurse face cloththorn g et up during the wickedness to feed and change the baby or to get up to support dumb or pop whilst they feed or change the baby.Some Maternity nurses are happy to do additional duties much(prenominal) as basic grocery shopping and general errands, to check everyplace the accommodate run runs smoothly and to see the parents more or less prison term alone with the baby. rationalize the importance of maintaining confidentiality in a maternity nurse role, including when and wherefore you earth-closet break that confidentiality.It is in-chief( chain armornominal) for a maternity nurse to maintain confidentiality as either parent whitethorn confide in her and if she breaks that pledge she pull up s run intos lose the trust of that parent. Also, by breaking this confidence she whitethorn cause a rift mingled with the parents e extraly if either parent has confided in her almost the separate. A maternity nurse must recognise the difference between what she must keep mys tic and what tramp be discussed openly. This confidentiality ass be broken if there is a risk of harm to the baby or if either parent is non coping well for example if a new mum had suffer natal falling off, she whitethorn need professional suffice if the maternity nurse movenot cope with the posture on her give.Explain barriers to effective communication working with parents and how to quash them.A maternity nurse whitethorn face the succeeding(a) barriers when dealing with parentsLanguage parents may not speak the comparable language as the maternity nurse or they may summon from a different slice of the same coun extend, e.g. a region with a different dialect.Cultural different cultures communicate in different ways and their comment of the same message may often differ.Biases this is largely due to our experiences and how we think of ourselves and other, for example a younger mum may find it trying to communicate with an dodderyer maternity nurse as she may t hink she is mothering her or not taking her seriously.Assumption it is important that a maternity nurse does not make the mistake of assuming that parents understand or agree with e trulything she tells them.Some of the ways these barriers could be overcome areLanguage speak cl proterozoic and slowly using simple and concise language.Cultural require where the parents are from and if there are both cultural differences which need to be taken into account when communicating.Biases it is important to empathise and try to relate to the parents. It is only by overcoming our own biases can we then look to try and understand the bias of a parent.Assumption for the alliance between maternity nurse and parents to work, no assumptions can be made by the maternity nurse. The maternity nurse needs to be astute and get questions in a way that does not alienate the parents.2.1 Explain the recognised causes of sudden infant finis syndrome.The exact cause of sudden infant death syndrome (cot death) is not know however it is accepted that it may be a combination of a get of factors. Four main causes establish been identified babe victimization may be cause by a delay in nerve cell festering in the brain which is essential for regulation lung and heart function. Research has shown a delay in ramp upment in the function and formation of a number of serotonin binding nerve pathways in the brain. These pathways are vitally important to regulate blood pressure, breathing and heart rate.Rebreathing asphyxia caused by a baby lying face down, it is difficult for the baby to breathe and can cause the baby to breathe in expelled carbon dioxide. Bedding, blankets, soft mattresses are some types of peacefulness surfaces that can impair breathing when the baby is face down.Hyperthermia (increased temperature) its not real if increased air temperature can cause SIDS on its own or does it need to be in conjunction with a baby creation ineffectual to breathe. ordinarily a symp tom of overdressing, when the baby has in addition much clothes on or too galore(postnominal) blankets, covers which increase temperature and lead to an increased metabolic rate and eventually a loss of breathing control.environmental factors could include people smoking tobacco near your baby, being exposed to wood or blacken burning fires, excessive smog.2.2 Explain the ways in which sudden infant death syndrome can be prevented.Parents, family members or carers can take a number of steps to decoct SIDSSleep office when putting a baby to sleep, place the baby on their back as the risk of SIDS is higher when a baby sleeps on their stomach or side.Sleep surface it is better(p) if a baby sleeps on a firm surface to prevent suffocation or smothering.Smoke ensure the baby does not inhale smoke of any kind especially tobacco.Temperature avoid overdressing the baby or using too many blankets/covers. Regulate room temperature where possible. Let baby sleep in comfortable, well-fix ed clothing.Sleeping ar endurements dont let the baby sleep in the same bed as parents or another(prenominal) person including a child.3.1 Explain the recognised causes of post natal depression.Some women experience depression after childbirth this is called postnatal depression, which usually start ups in the maiden foursome to six weeks after they give birth, although in some cases it developed after several months.Its still not clear what causes post natal depression but some recognised causes may includethe stress of shade after a immature baby baby both physically and emotionallyshortly after pregnancy hormonal changes occur some women may be more sensitive to hormonesdepression during pregnancya difficult birthrelationship worriesfinancial problemslack of support from family or friendsafter birth there are physical health problems that occur , much(prenominal) as urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control), or persistent pain from an episiotomy marking or a forc eps deliverya history of depression or other mood disorders such as bipolar disorder deal a previous history of postnatal depressionduring pregnancy experience anxiety or depressionIt could take months in the first place people cope with the pressure of being new parents. It is important for the maternity nurse to support the new parents even if the mum shows no signs of post natal depression, simply having a baby can be stressful and life changing and that itself can trigger depression.3.2 Describe the ways the maternity nurse can support a mother by dint of Post Natal Depression.The Maternity nurse can be very supportive and make the mum feel resembling she is doing a great job with her baby. She should make sure mum is getting liberal sleep and is well rested. The maternity nurse should ease as much around the house, including doing errands around the house to ease the stress. She should also manage visitors, too many visitors equals too many conflicting advice. If mum is a che from post natal depression, getting different advice can be confusing and will not assist mum get better.3.3 Explain where the maternity nurse should seek help should they become concerned just virtually a mothers condition.It is general for mums for mums to become irritability or experience mood changes, and episodes of tearfulness after birth, this is known as baby blues. Baby blues is usually over within a few weeks. merely if the symptoms are persistent, it could well be the result of postnatal depression. It is important for the maternity nurse to recognise the signs of post natal depressionIf the maternity nurse is concerned about mums behaviour she should speak to pappa or a close friend or family member to find out what mums character was like before baby was born. She would need to find out if the birth was not what mum expected as that can also trigger post natal depression. If mum has a flat expression, doesnt want to get dressed to the nines(p) or go out and me et people, these are all signs of post natal depression. The maternity nurse should monitor the situation, if it doesnt get better after a couple of days then she should let protactinium know and he should seek professional help.It is important for partners, family and friends to recognise signs of postnatal depression as early as possible and seek professional advice.thither are many symptoms of postnatal depression, feeling unable to cope, difficulty sleeping and low mood but many women are not aware they have the condition.5.1 Explain what wane is. What are the main reasons babies experience this condition. How can you support the baby through these measure?Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) commonly known as reflux, happens when the milk baby has drank comes back up into his oesophagus which is the solid food pipe or even into his mouth. It is a temporary which usually gets better on its own. It is not anomalous for a baby to get reflux and it doesnt necessary a sign that baby is ill. During their first terzetto months almost half of babies have reflux once or more a day (PRODIGY 2009). A bitty percentage of babies have trouble severe or persistent reflux which affects their well-being. This is called gastro-oesophageal reflux indisposition (GORD).The babys food pipe connects his mouth with his stomach. Your baby has a ring of muscle (valve) where his food pipe joins his stomach. The tendinous valve opens to let through milk the baby has swallowed, and closes to keep milk in his tummy. Babies usually get reflux because the ring of muscle hasnt developed fully yet.This means that when the babys tummy is full, milk and acid can come back up the food pipe, causing discomfort.If your babys reflux is mild, and hes still sustenance well and isnt too noise by it, these tips may helpHold baby in an upright position when feeding.After for to each one one feed upright for 20 to 30 minutes.Giving baby smaller but more browse feeds.Bottle fed babies need to be burped every two to three minutes while being fed.5.2 Explain what colic is. What are the main reasons babies experience this condition. How can you support the baby through these times?Colic happens when a healthy baby cries excessively and cant be soothed. It is also called persistent clamorous. For a new mum this sort of emiting can be very upsetting, trying to comfort a promulgateing baby over many hours is hard work and leaves mum feeling helpless. This persistent crying can drive mum to tears herself. It is important for the maternity nurse to let mum know that she is doing nothing wrong and baby is crying for no limited reason. It usually starts between two weeks and four weeks and is usually over by the time baby turns three or four months old.When babies have colic, they cry more often and for largeer periods. After some time their crying will become the same as babies who do not have colic.It is not known why some babies will cry more than other babies. Colic affe cts boys and girls in equal measure and dumbbellfed and formula babies. It is important to reassure new mothers that their crying is not a result of anything they are doing.(Barr et al 2005)There are a number of reasons a baby may be cryingIndigestion and wind may be caused by a maturing gutBabies have to learn how to stop cryingBabies may need to be cuddledThe following declare oneselfions may comfort baby by simulating the environment of the uterusEnsure your heartbeat is regular and hold baby close to your bodySwaddle baby if he is less than a month old and snugly wrap baby.Make sure it is quiet and dark.A warm calming bath can soothe baby.Rocking or swaying can also be calming.5.3 Explain a range of allergies or intolerances which may contribute to colic or a baby being unsettled and how would you recognise them.In certain cases, babys crying is caused byAn allergy which is temporaryA possible intolerance to milk protein in breast or formula milkA lactose intolerance which may be temporaryA breastfeeding position which is awkward (baby may not have latched on correctly)Other illness such as fever, upset tummy etc.In rare cases (1 in 10), babies may cry for different reasons, the symptoms will beCry which may be high pitched or not sound normalBringing up or runny tummy, possible loss of weightiness or blood in stoolProblems with feeding or not keeping milk down6.1 Explain expected weight patterns of a newborn infant infant, and identify why and when to seek help.The average newborn weighs around 7.5 pounds, although birth weights can range between 5.5 to 10 pounds. Babies lose 6 10 percent of their body weight in the initial days after birth, most of this weight loss is surplus body water. After approximately 3 4 days the newborn will start to regain weight and should equal or arrivederci the birth weight between 10 14 days. In the following 3 months, an infant should mother around an ounce a day. Between 3 6 months weight gain will commonly sl ow to 4 5 ounces per week. Between 6 12 months weight gain reduces to 2 3 ounces a week.It is important for the parents of new born babies to remember the weight of an infant is only one indicant of maturement, others are height and peak circumference. A usable way of monitoring a childs growth is to bandage all three growth measurements.The following are good indicators of why and when to seek helpNewborns growth measurements are significantly lower than averageNewborn is not eating or sleeping well, may affect weightNewborn starts to lose weight without any extra activity6.2 Explain best practice in caring for the cord, circumcision, nails, scalp and eyes. Include what could cause a problem, and how you would rectify this.Cord in-chief(postnominal) to keep drySponge baths recommended, avoid immersing newborn in waterIf the cord is too damp or begins to ooze, the base of the cord should be wiped with water or rubbing alcohol and then desiccated offOnce cord falls off, end ure to clean baseCircumcisionAfter every napkin change put petroleum jelly (Vaseline) on the head of the penisInitially the penis head will be red and swollen and a white-livered sticky coating may appear, continue to apply petroleum jellyOnce coating is gone, petroleum jelly does not need to be appliedNailsNewborns hands can be covered to stop scratchingOnce nails are long enough, the tips may be peeled away manuallyNail clipper can be used to remove part of the nail which is not connected to skinEmery board or nail consign can be used to smooth sharp edgesScalpShould be treated with baby or mineral oil either once or twice a weekIf cradle peak develops, oil should be massaged into scalp and a fine comb used to loosen the scalesEyes immaterial of the newborns eyes should be cleaned carefully when bathingIf red spots are noticed on the white part of the eye or iris, nothing needs to be done as these are spots of blood and do not affect the babys vision or cause painIf thick yel low or green discharge occurs, a GP should be consulted6.4 Explain how best to support a mother in making the change from breast to bottle. Provide information for 2 ways to wait this transition, listing the pros and cons for each.Making the change from breast feeding to bottle can be very difficult for new mums, often they can have feelings of inadequacy and guilt. They need to be supported by the dad or friends and family during this time. Also, it may help if a professional speaks to them to rationalize these feelings are normal. It may be useful to speak to other new mums as they will have similar feelings.When weaning from breast to bottle, there are a number of different ways to go about this, however whichever way is elect it should always be gradual so both mum and baby have a pretend to get used to it.One method is a combination of breast and cup feeding, pro baby has a chance to get used to a new way of feeding, con it may take perennial to wean baby off breast.Anoth er method is to wait a bit longer and then switch from breast to bottle, pros transition may be quicker and gives baby no other option but to get used to it, cons can be a shock for baby and mum.6.5 Explain how the feeding will change over the first 6 weeks in a formula feed baby.Week 0 3 between 30ml to 60ml at each feed, every 2 3 hours about 8 times a day. Baby will only be able to manage small amounts of formula.Week 4 6 between 90ml to 120 ml at each feed, every 3 4 hours about 6 times a day. Daily consumption may be between 400 to 800 ml per day.As weight is gained, the baby should start eating more at each feed, also time between feeding will increase. Growth spurts often occur at 7 14 days old or 3 6 weeks.7.1 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of on demand feeding.Advantages on demand feedingPromotes trust and bonding as needs are met instantlyCan help baby reach a good weight quicklyAlleviates and prevents engorgementBabies have also been found to have few er digestive problemsDisadvantages on demand feedingHarder to predict and manage a childs feeding account if there is no scheduleAmount of food not regulatedFeeding cannot be intend in advanced7.2 Analyse the main differences between two opposing theories of the sleep patterns of babies.The two sleep pattern theories I will be looking at are hunger and comfort.HungerBabies have small stomachs and cannot hold a lot of food in their stomachsBabies wake up to refill because their stomachs are emptyComfortBabies are not always hungry when they wake upBabies are looking for contact and comfortBabies need to be held and loved7.3 Explain the need to start good sleeping and feeding practices with a newborn and how you help a mother implement them.It is very important to start good sleeping and feeding practices with a newborn. In the first few weeks newborns typically sleep for up to 18 hours a day. They require a lot of sleep for their development and growth, thus the need to develop go od sleeping patterns early on. Good sleeping practices become really important when the newborn reaches 3 months as they start to settle into a pattern and it up to the parents to have made key decisions such as when and where the newborn sleeps. Good feeding practices are equally important for growth and development as newborns typically sleep for 2 to 4 hours at a time, waking up for a feed. The first 12 months in a childs life are crucial as more growth happens in this period than at any other time in a childs life. Also, as with sleep, good feeding practices early on will determine how a newborn gets used to feeding.A mother can be helped to implement good sleeping and feeding practices by establishing a daily routine. Although the newborn is too small to understand, they will start adapting to the habits of doing the same things over a period of time. A few utile tips areEnsure the room where the newborn sleeps is dark, leaving the light off at night.Dont make any noise when f eeding, practice feeding without the light on.Establish a pre bed routine such as warm baths, soothing music before nap time.UNIT TITLE mamilla Feeding harbour Skills1. Why might Luke be unsettled at the breast? Give solutions to the reasons you have suggested.Luke may be unsettled at the breast as he may not be latched onto mums breast properly. It is very important that the latch is done properly and many new mums need help with it. It is a common mistake new mums make they only put the nipple into babys mouth. To latch properly the nipple and part of the areola needs to be in babys mouth while feeding. To help mum obtain a good latch, ask mum to hold baby in arm she is not feeding with and line baby to nipple. Use feeding hand to help manoeuvre the nipple in.Its less likely for the nipple to get cranky if the latch is done correctly. Annabelle will need to check to see if mums nipples are sore which may be causing her to tense up while feeding baby.If it is sore she can sugges tTo keep feeding Luke because if she stops breastfeeding, it may be difficult to restart once her breasts in particular her nipples have healed. A short term option in the case of worse pain on either side, may be to feed from the breast which is not as painful.A nipple racing shell could be used in order to avoid further damage to mums nipple, although using the nipple safeguard can create a suction which can open the cracks on mums breasts. The main disadvantages to this method may be a reduction in the supply of milk and the nipple shield can transmute how baby sucks.Many mothers have found relief by rubbing breast milk over their nipples after a feed or purified lanolin ointment, until healing occurs. This principle is called moist would healing.2. What could be causing the pink patch? How would you remedy this?The pink patch could be caused by milk getting stop in the ducts. Mastitis is caused when blockade ducts are not removed which turns into breast infections, mum will feel like she has the flu. Its advised to feed on the breast that has the blocked duct,nurse frequently empty the breasts thoroughly.Aim for treat at least every 2 hours, keeping the affected breast as empty as possible, but not neglecting the other breast. When unable to breastfeed, mum should express milk frequently and thoroughly (with a breast pump or by hand).Mum will need to rest and have gobs of fluids and nutritious foods to help strengthen her immune system. She should wear her bra loosely and remove any restricting clothing to aid milk flow. Heatand gentlemassagebefore nursing also helps with blocked ducts. If the blocked duct doesnt clear then mum has to consult the doctor. If the blocked duct is not readable it can turn into an abscess and may need to be drained.3. What questions should you ask Susan about her feeding patterns since she got dwelling house, and why?I would ask Susan the following questionsHow many times is she feeding Luke per day? Susan should be aiming to feed Luke between 8 10 times a day. Frequent feeding encourages good milk supply and will reduce engorgement.Is she feeding Luke on a schedule or when he appears to be hungry? There are differing viewpoints on which method is better. Personally I would recommend feeding when hungry as Susan has just brought Luke home from the hospital.How long does she allow Luke at the breast when feeding? It is important to allow Luke unlimited time at the breast when feeding to ensure he feeds well and has a good sleep.4. Develop a intent to help Susan breastfeed successfully, saying why you recommend this.Breastfeed Luke according to his needs (on demand feeding)Breastfeeding Luke on demand will help prevent engorgement, reduce sore nipples and help to ensure the supply of milk matches babys hunger.Encourage Susan to keep Luke skin-to-skin for the first few weeks.This will encourage bonding between Susan and Luke and assist with affect the hormones needed to produce milk.Susan and L uke should sleep in the same room for the first few weeks.This will help Susan to learn Lukes feeding cues, this should not affect Susans sleep as research shows that even if new mums sleep in a different room, their sleep patterns often mirror their newborns.Encourage Susan not to use dummies or bottles.When feeding by bottle, babies have to use different tongue and jaw movements, this can confuse babies when transmutation between nipple and bottle.Encourage Susan to only feed Luke breast milk unless it becomes necessary to feed him something else.Breast milk provides all the nutrients and antibodies needed by Luke.If there are concerns about Lukes weight, Susan should try frequent feeding. close to mothers can produce enough breastmilk for their babies so it is best to try and feed baby more alternatively of resorting to supplementary feeding.Unit title Breastfeeding Support SkillsAnalyse the main benefits of breastfeedingBreastfeeding is good for a newborn as breast milk contai ns substances which cannot be reproduced or replaced by formula. Breast milk contains nutrients which newborns need and antibodies to protect newborns from infection.Breastfeeding is a positive experience for both mum and the newborn as it strengthens the maternal bond and makes the infant feel safe and nurtured. It allows the mum to provide the newborn with everything needed for good growth and development.The main benefits of breastfeeding areContains good balance of nutrients and antibodies in an easily digestible form.Can reduce onset of common allergies such as asthma and eczema.Minimises occurrence of illness such as diarrhoea, ear infections, respiratory illness and stomach bugs.Enhances special bond between mum and newborn.No cost involved and burns calories for mum.2.1 Explain how the main structures of the breast are involved in lactationThe main structures of the breast involved in lactation are the nipple, areola, lactiferous duct (milk duct) and the lobes of the mammary gland. When the newborn takes the nipple and areola into their mouth to suckle the areolar glands provide lubrication during breastfeeding. The milk ducts transport milk from the mammary glands to the nipple allowing the newborn to feed. Breast milk is released from milk duct orifices (holes) on the nipples surface.2.2 Explain the role of hormones in producing and releasing breastmilkThe below diagram and explanation alongside best explain the role of hormones in the production of breastmilk, obtained from the following websitehttp// Identify and summarise the constituents of colostrums, foremilk and hindmilkThere are 3 types of breastmilk, colostrum, foremilk and hindmilk.ColostrumYellowish colour.Produced before lactation begins, in the initial days after birth of the newborn.Rich in antibodies and nutrients.ForemilkIs the milk the newborn first tastes during a feeding. slenderize and lower in fat content. HindmilkFollows foremilk during feeding.High in calories and richer in fat content.5.2 Explain how the cause of drugs can be passed to babies through breastmilk and ways in which this can be minimisedWhen breastfeeding if the mum takes drugs, it is excreted into the milk which the newborn drinks. Depending on the drug taken by the mum, this can then have adverse effects on the newborn. Although these passed on substances are mildly filtered by the mothers metabolism their harmful effects still impact the newborn because of the small body-weight ratio.These harmful effects may be minimised byLimiting the intake of the drugs.Extend the time between taking the drug and the babys feed, at least 2 to 3 hours.Try to feed newborn before taking drugs.Where possible take substitute drugs which are less harmful.References (below sites accessed between 1 February 2013 5 April 2013http//www.nhs.ukhttp// ome
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