Wednesday, May 6, 2020

University of Illinois at Urbanaâ€Champaign - 600 Words

University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign In 1862 the Morrill Act was passed granting each state money and land for a university to be built. In 1867 Urbana was selected for the site of this new university. UIUC was opened on March 2nd, 1868 with the president of John Milton Gregory. There was only 2 faculty members and 77 students! (Maynard 6) The main subject for the university to teach was debated many years because of the Morrill Act quoting which to establish a major public state university, one which could teach agriculture, mechanic arts, and military training, without excluding other scientific and classical studies. (Morrill Act of 1862) UIUC has approximately 44,520 students attending as of 2014. Around 56% of these†¦show more content†¦High School credits are as follows. Required: 4 English 2 Foreign Language 2 Lab 3 Math 2 Science 2 Social Studies 2 Academic electives 15 Total Recomended: 4 English 4 Foreign Language 4 Lab 4 Math 4 Science 4 Social Studies 4 Academic electives 24 Total It is recommended that you apply by November 1st but you must apply by January 2nd. Sadly there is a $50 fee for submitting an application but this fee can be waived. If you are wanting to join any art program than you are required to give a portfolio and if you are planning to joining any music, dance, or theatre program then you must audition. If you are from Illinois the average tuition is $15,600 - $20,600, books/supplies are around $1,2000, Room and board with 10 meals a week $10,800, miscellaneous $2,500 with a total of $30,100 - $35,100. With other states the average tuition is $30,200 - $35,200, the rest is the same with a total of $44,800 - $49,800. International average tuition is $31,000 - $38,100 with a total of $45,600 - $52,600. Approximately 71% of first-year students, 61% of full-time undergraduates, and 39% of part-time undergraduates applied for financial aid. The percentage of students who have financial need and received any financial aid was 95% for first-year students, 96% for full-time undergraduates, and 84% for part-time undergraduates. On average they received $14,600 for first-year students, $13,500 for full-time undergraduates, and $8,200 forShow MoreRelatedThe University Of Illinois At Urbana Champaign1451 Words   |  6 PagesPALA JHANSI FM504 FINAL REPORT (GRADUATE) University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Task 1: About Institution The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is one of the first 37 public land-grant institutions made after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Morrill Act in 1862. It is the lead campus of the University of Illinois system. In the University of Illinois system this is the lead campus. 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