Thursday, December 12, 2019

Credentials And Scope Professional Sector †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Credentials And Scope Professional Sector? Answer: Introduction In the recent world, with globalization and new job avenues opening in front of us, constant upgrading and improvisations are becoming absolutely necessary for employees, to increase our efficiency, credentials and scope in the professional sector, thereby increasing our scope to prosper in our work life. As the job world is rapidly moving to the path of specialization and special skill development, new job types are emerging in different industries as well as the same industry. Therefore, knowledge acquisitions about the new job roles, the dynamics and challenges in carrying out the job responsibilities efficiently and developing personal skills for doing the same is management more and more important with each passing day. In this essay, I try to reflect on the my job roles, the attributes I have relevant to the job I am currently doing, my achievements in the professional domain and the skills I need to need to focus on to prosper in my work life (Marescaux, De Winne and Sels 2012) . I have been working in a multi-national company, venturing mainly in food and beverage industry, in the capacity of a human resource manager, for the last three years. My broad job role is to handle the human resource department of the companys branch in Sydney, Australia. After completing my masters in English from a reputed university in Britain, from where I belong, I pursued a diploma in Human resource management from the same university, before getting placed in this company. My attributes Communication and interacting with ease with people belonging from different age group, profession and lingual background has been one of my strongest fortes. Being multi-lingual, I can communicate verbally in English, Spanish and French, which has helped me considerably to play the role of a HR Manager in the multi-national company. Leadership being one of the primary requirements of my job has not been a problem for me, as I have always loved to work in a cooperative and team environment. My job requires problem-solving capabilities for which presence of mind is required as many problems come up all of a sudden and needs to be addressed with prudency. I have been handling the problems cropping up in this sector for the last three years and have taken decisions on part of the company, regarding hiring and firing employees, designing employee evaluation framework and conducting successful employee training programs. Most of these were of substantial success and brought short term as well as long-term benefits for the company (Kinicki and Kreitner 2012). However, with advent of time and competition entering in every aspect of professional life, I feel the need to augment my skills and upgrade myself so as to be more efficient in my workplace and increase my scopes in future. a) Ability to resolve conflicts- In the recent times, the company I work for has been experiencing several disturbances, which are mainly arising due to the conflict of interests between the employers and the employee. The main issue contributing to this conflict is the disparity in wages of the employees in this company and their counterparts in other similar enterprises. Being a human resource manager, I need to act as a bridge between both the conflicting parties. For this purpose, I need to improve my negotiation and conflict resolving capabilities to resolve the disturbance in my enterprise (Chartered Accountants 2016). b) Complex corporate policy planning ability- Though policy planning, in the broad definition of the term, does not fall under my job roles, however, with advent of a more complex business structure, the job roles are changing and becoming more cognitive in nature. I as a human resource management, nowadays, need to keep this in account and need to be more adept in designing policies related to the welfare of the company as well as the participants in the enterprise. These policies being complex in nature, sufficient training and knowledge is required for which I need to update myself (Chartered Accountants 2016). c) Time management- The most important aspect of my job is that I need to carry out many tasks of different types and genres within small span of time. Therefore, time management is one of the most necessary skills, which I need to acquire as without proper time management, I may fail to deliver some of my tasks and therefore, lose credibility in the eyes of my employers (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Conclusion As discussed above continuous development of skills and improvising personal capabilities are required in order to stay in the labor force as an efficient employee. This can be done by keeping oneself updated with the latest skill augmenting innovations and knowledge and upgrading himself according to these innovations and the constantly updating and changing requirements of a particular job role with time. Self-satisfaction and content may lead to stagnancy, thereby decreasing the potential in the coming years and therefore, continuous self-assessment and self-development are required in terms of skills and efficiency. Reference Chartered Accountants, A.N.Z., 2016. The Future of Work: How Can We Adapt to Survive and Thrive. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: accounting. Kinicki, A. and Kreitner, R., 2012.Organizational behavior: Key concepts, skills best practices. McGraw-Hill Irwin. Marescaux, E., De Winne, S. and Sels, L., 2012. HR practices and HRM outcomes: The role of basic need satisfaction.Personnel Review,42(1), pp.4-27

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